Our blog covers home remodeling, business finance, automobile lifestyle, technology, family/parenting vacation, and leisure.
We’re now accepting guest posts for our website. We appreciate your original ideas and helping our readers learn.
Let me clarify anything first. Home renovation, business money, automotive lifestyle, technology, family/parenting vacation, and entertainment are good topics. We are an image editing firm, hence we only accept articles on this topic.
How Do We Accept Content?
You may write an instructive or review article. We don’t mind tutorials and how-tos. You choose the content type.
Home renovation, business finance, automobile lifestyle, technology, family/parenting vacation, and entertainment are acceptable topics. Unneeded content is promptly rejected. Please don’t waste our time if you don’t have relevant stuff.
Reading our posts can help you grasp our style and perspective. Our website has several blogs. Please read these to see what we’re looking for.
Basic Guidelines
If you wish to publish on our blog, follow these rules:
- You can’t post on a topic currently on our blog unless you have a new perspective.
- Your material must be innovative and distinctive. We don’t accept 1% plagiarism.
- Your article must be well-researched. Lack of information bothers us.
- When you write for us, avoid grammar problems.
- .doc format is required.
- Include a prominent image with your article. It should be jpg, jpeg, or png.
- Include your author bio.
- 500 to 1200 words. Depends on the issue.
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